15 T. Filimonos, 11521, Athens, Greece
T: +30 210 8705800, F: +30 210 8705880
E: info@eretbo.gr
ETBO S.A. was founded in 2003 and is a subsidiary company of ERETBO S.A. The company is classified in the 4th grade certificate for the categories of Road construction, Building, Hydraulic, Electromechanical, water, liquid, solid and gases Cleaning and Treatment works, in the 3rd grade certificate for Green Projects and for Industrial- Energy and in the 2nd grade certificate for Port.
ETBO S.A. deals with the construction of all kinds of technical projects and especially with the construction of Public Building Projects.
Some of the most important and representative works of each category, which the company has successfully completed in the past few years, are:
- The Rearrangement and Modernization of two buildings of EDOEAP
- Ag. Apostoloi – Halkoutsi Road, Attica
- Restoration of Monastiraki Square, Athens
- Circular Coverage of Ο.ΑΚ.Α. Velodrome.